Gut Healthy Strawberry and Cream Prebiotic Fiber Smoothie Recipe – UpliftFood

Gut Healthy Strawberry and Cream Prebiotic Fiber Smoothie Recipe

Gut Healthy Strawberry and Cream Prebiotic Fiber Smoothie Recipe

Uplift Food Prebiotic Gut healthy prebiotic fiber breakfast smoothie recipe
1 cup milk of choice
1 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup vanilla Greek yogurt or skyr
4 ice cubes
  1. Blend all ingredients
  2. Pour into a serving glass
  3. Enjoy!
  • For a plant based alternative, we would recommend substituting the dairy ingredients with vanilla almond or coconut milk and a coconut yogurt.
  • You can switch up the strawberries for any other frozen fruit you desire - Blend through some mango, banana or mixed berries for delicious alternatives.
  • If you prefer a less sweet smoothie, simply use plain Greek yoghurt or skyr.
  • For an even bigger gut healthy probiotic hit (with a tangy kick) we suggest switching out half of the milk and half of the yogurt, and replacing them with 3/4 cup of strawberry or vanilla kefir.
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