Snacks - Uplifting Frozen Yoghurt Pops
Gut strengthening frozen berry and vanilla popsicles

2 cups natural Greek yogurt or Skyr
2 cups milk of choice
1 serve Uplift Food - Daily Uplifter (Protein)
2 cups frozen mixed berries
Natural sweetener of your choice (optional)
- Blend all ingredients until smooth
- Pour into 4 ice-pole moulds (or as per your desired volume)
- Freeze for at least 8 hours
- Enjoy!
- You can switch Greek yogurt or Skyr to a flavoured variety to enhance the flavour of the recipe. Vanilla, or the same fruit variety that you are making your popsicles, is a great place to start.
- If you like "tangy" recipes we would recommend switching the milk to a natural kefir which is packed with an abundance of probiotics and will make the recipe super creamy.
- You can switch the berries for whichever frozen fruit you prefer - Mango with vanilla skyr works a treat!
- Depending on whether you use plain yoghurt or a flavoured variety, you may want to add a small amount of a sweetener of your choice. We would recommend a monk fruit or stevia to avoid adding any unnecessary added sugars