Prebiotic-Fiber Golden Spiced Sweet Potato Banana Bread Muffins – UpliftFood

Prebiotic-Fiber Golden Spiced Sweet Potato Banana Bread Muffins

Prebiotic-Fiber Golden Spiced Sweet Potato Banana Bread Muffins

Hey Everyone,

We're so excited to be bringing you another prebiotic gut healthy recipe from personal trainer and nutrition coach, @emsswanston

Today's recipe is especially awesome: prebiotic, low sugar / no added sugar,  golden spiced sweet potato banana bread muffins! We know, it's kind of a mouthful, but once you taste these delicious muffins you'll want to be eating them by the mouthfuls!

@emsswanston uplift food daily uplifter prebiotic supplement gut health psychobiotic

Look at that chocolate frosting!!!

Okay, here's what you'll need for this gut-happy treat:

1 over-ripe banana 
1/2 C (1 sml) mashed sweet potato 
3 eggs - or flax eggs 
1/4 C almond butter 
1 Tbsp vanilla 
1/2 C coconut flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2-1 tsp turmeric 
1/s tsp ginger 
1/2 tsp nutmeg, cardamom & cloves 
1/2 tsp baking soda 
Pch salt 
Uplift Food Daily Uplifter
1/4 C coconut cream 
1/2 block (1/4 C) dark choc 
1 tsp instant espresso 
1 tsp vanilla 
A pinch of salt 

Find the full instructions for these uplifting muffins on Instagram here. You can purchase the Daily Uplifter using this link. Add it to all of your delicious recipes for an instant gut-boosting treat!

Don't forget to tag us on Instagram at @upliftfood whenever you use your Daily Uplifter. You could be featured here next!

In Good Gut Health,

Team Uplifters!

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