Prebiotic-Fiber Strawberry, Banana, & Coconut Smoothie! – UpliftFood

Prebiotic-Fiber Strawberry, Banana, & Coconut Smoothie!

Prebiotic-Fiber Strawberry, Banana, & Coconut Smoothie

Hey Uplifters!

We're very excited to share this beautiful and gut-healthy smoothie created by Ashlee, @pursuegoodfood! Ashlee is super interested in fitness and nutrition, and shares amazing, healthy recipes. Check her out!

Ashlee's uplifting smoothie is packed with tons of fruit and prebiotic-fiber for optimal gut health. 

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Prebiotic-Fiber Strawberry, Banana, & Coconut Smoothie:

  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 6 frozen strawberries
  • 3 oz. Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter
  • 1 serving protein powder
  • 1 tbsp Uplift Food Daily Uplifter
  • Dash of water or milk of choice

Add everything into a blender and enjoy!

Check out @pursuegoodfood on Instagram to see all of Ashlee's delicious recipes!

If you need to replenish (or try out) the Daily Uplifter, head over to this link now, or if you prefer to shop on Amazon Prime, you can get it here!

Don't forget to tag us on Instagram at @upliftfood whenever you use your Daily Uplifter!

In Good Gut Health,

Team Uplifters! 

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