Prebiotics and the role of inflammation in depression and anxiety! – UpliftFood

Prebiotics and the role of inflammation in depression and anxiety!

Prebiotics and the role of inflammation in depression and anxiety!

Hey Uplifters,

We hope everyone is staying healthy! We know times right not are slightly stressful and uncertain, and it is super important that we all try our best to maintain a healthy body as well as mind. Which is why we are sharing a journal article from the Journal of Neuroscience Research on the role of inflammation and the gut microbiome in improving depression and anxiety! 

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The study starts with introducing the human gut microbiome as a collection of microorganisms that occupy the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It then mentions how the gut microbiome appears to be linked to the nervous system through the gut-brain axis. This is why gut microbes can thereby have the potential to influence brain activity and thus mental health. 

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The actual mechanisms that connect psychological stress to systemic and neural inflammation is uncovered in the diagram below. The communication between the gut microbiome and central nervous system can be affected by stress, which leads to a cascade of different reactions that trigger a release of endotoxins that cause inflammation. The immune response then spreads to the central nervous system which can then compromise mental health. 

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 The article then goes to explain how probiotics and prebiotics have the ability to improve mental health, in terms of dampening stress and anxiety, decreasing intestinal permeability and decreasing inflammation. 

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Overall, the study concluded that the gut microbiome's role in mental health deserves increased attention from researchers and clinicians as rates of depression and anxiety continue to increase. Though, studies have shown the benefits of using prebiotics and probiotics in mental-health patients. 

As you can see from above, there is no harm in practicing a healthy diet with lots of prebiotic fiber to help improve your gut microbiome and possible help alleviate anxiety and depression symptoms. 

You can try one of our many recipes with prebiotic fiber packed ingredients on our website, or try our recently launched Gut Happy Cookies here, packed with prebiotics and other health benefits!

We hope this article was helpful for you all, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

In good gut health, 

Team Uplifters!   

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