Prebiotics to help cope with stress! – UpliftFood

Prebiotics to help cope with stress!

Prebiotics to help cope with stress!

Hey Uplifters, 

We know times are uncertain and stressful for many of you, and that's exactly why we wanted to share with you an article from sciencedaily on how prebiotics may help to cope with stress!

It is super important we try our best to stay positive during this time, and what better why to do that then to nourish our body with prebiotic fiber rich foods and help to create a healthy gut! 

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uplift food daily uplifter prebiotic supplement gut health psychobiotic prebiotic fiber

 Below shows a study conducted by a Behavioral Neuroscience professor, Dr. Agnieska Mika, from the University Colorado on the effect of regular prebiotics intake on normal sleep patterns after a stressful episode. 

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As you can see from the study above, it is possible to cope with stress, and here at Uplift Food we really believe in the benefits of prebiotics!

Not only does prebiotic fiber help create healthy gut bacteria but they may also improve sleep patterns during or after stressful events!

Try out one of our many recipes of prebiotic fiber packed foods and you too can have a healthy gut, improved sleep patterns and help cope with any stress!

We hope this article was helpful for you guys, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

In good gut health, 

Team Uplifters! 

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