Top 5 Grain Free Prebiotic Fiber On-The-Go Snacks – UpliftFood

Top 5 Grain Free Prebiotic Fiber On-The-Go Snacks

Top 5 Grain Free Prebiotic Fiber On-The-Go Snacks

Hey Uplifters!

Although prebiotic fiber and gut health is extremely important, it might be difficult to find ways to incorporate into our diets due to limitations and intolerance Therefore, we've compiled a list of our top 5 prebiotic fiber grain free snacks that can be easily adjusted into your gut-healthy diet!

Top 5 Grain Free Prebiotic Fiber On-The-Go Snacks

1. Gut Happy cookies

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    We just launched our Gut Happy Cookies! These cookies offer a fun way to get a dose of prebiotics and probiotics in the form of cookies!! Our plant-based, grain-free, Non-GMO, cookies are addictive and offer an easy incorporation of prebiotic fiber into your diet. The cookies come in a variety of flavors with only 160 calories and 13 grams of fiber per pack.  With a prebiotic blend on the outside and an inner filling of probiotic cream, you’ll be fueling your gut all day long! You can purchase our gut happy cookies here.

    2. Bare Apple Chips

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    Apples, although dried are a rich source of a valuable prebiotic soluble fiber called pectin. Found both within the skin and the pulp, apples offer a simple path to obtaining prebiotic benefits via their stimulation of probiotics in your gut. These bare snacks are easy for on the go!

    3. Prebiotic Fiber Peanut Butter Cups

    Using the Daily Uplifter, containing a rich curated blend of resistant starch prebiotic fiber, these grain free peanut butter cups are an easy way for you to boost your prebiotic fiber intake! This recipe is simple, and so delicious, it will keep your gut fueled all day long.


    • 1/2 C dark chocolate
    • 1 Scoop of The Daily Uplifter (purchase here!)
    • 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
    • Silicone or Paper Cup Molds


    1. Melt chocolate in microwave stirring every 20 seconds to prevent burning
    2. Add in Daily Uplifter and mix 
    3. Layer chocolate, PB, then top with chocolate
    4. Freeze until solid, store in fridge!

    4. Nuts

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    Nuts, including pistachios  and almonds are the perfect wholesome, prebiotic fiber grain free snack! Almonds, especially the skin, contain high prebiotic properties which fuel our gut. Pistachios contain high contents of soluble and insoluble prebiotic fiber. Pistachios may increase the number of bacteria that produce beneficial short-chain fatty acids like butyrate and contain resistant starch!


    5. Prebiotic-Fiber Chocolate Chip Cookies

     Uplift Food Daily Uplifter prebiotic supplement gut health psychobiotic prebiotic fiber gut happy cookies


    • 2 cups almond flour
    • 1/2 cup sugar/granulated sweetener of choice
    • 1/4 cup coconut oil 
    • 1/4 cup syrup 
    • 1 scoop Daily Uplifter
    • 1 egg
    • 1 tbsp water 
    • 1 tsp baking soda 
    • 1/4 tsp salt
    • Chocolate chips 

    How to:

    1. Preheat oven to 350 
    2. Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl 
    3. Add in wet ingredients and mix well. 
    4. To get evenly sized cookies I used an ice scream scoop to place them on a sheet pan 
    5. Flatten the cookie by spraying the back of a spatula with some Pam and press down on the dough 
    6. Bake for about 20 minutes! 


    Although these are just a few ways of how you can incorporate more grain-free snacks into your diet, the options are endless!

    Our recently launched Gut Happy Cookies are packed with prebiotics, and contain a multitude of health benefits so if you haven't gotten your hands on them yet, you can find them here! 

    In Good Gut Health, 

    Team Uplifters!  

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