Uplift Food Featured by LiveStrong
Hey Uplifters,
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Today we are super thrilled to share with you guys an article on LiveStrong where our Uplift Food Founder and Prebiotic expert dietitian, Kara Landau was featured on discussing a super interesting topic; how to correctly consume fibers and the importance of prebiotics for those with IBS.
Kara shares her advice on consuming soluble and insoluble fiber as well as the misconception of avoiding fiber and prebiotics due to IBS.
Check out what she has to say below!
Kara gives her tips on how to eat a balance diet that contains wholesome foods and a good balance of insoluble fiber and soluble fiber.
Kara then shares with us the common misconception behind avoiding fiber and prebiotics for those who have IBS. She tells us that by actually avoiding eating fiber-rich foods it's leading to depletion of your gut and gut lining which could make your symptoms of IBS even worse.
As you can see it is important to understand how to consumer fiber in the best way and by following these tips provided by Uplift Food Founder and Prebiotic expert Dietitian Kara Landau, you will continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle!
We hope this article was helpful for you guys, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
In good gut health,
Team Uplifters!