Uplift Food featured in New York Post – UpliftFood

Uplift Food featured in New York Post

Hi Uplifters!

I'm thrilled to bring you this article featured in New York Post where our Uplift Food Founder and gut health expert dietitian, Kara Landau, highlights foods that can help you look and feel younger!

Scroll down to find out exactly what these foods are...

Uplift food daily uplifter prebiotic supplement gut health psychobiotic prebiotic fiber gut happy cookies good mood food

The first food that Kara mentions is lupini beans. Find out what she has to say about their anti-aging properties below...

Uplift food daily uplifter prebiotic supplement gut health psychobiotic prebiotic fiber gut happy cookies good mood food

Kara then goes on to mention how the humble potato can help prevent lifestyle diseases that are more likely to present themselves as one ages.

Uplift food daily uplifter prebiotic supplement gut health psychobiotic prebiotic fiber gut happy cookies good mood food

The next food mentioned are green, or unripe, bananas. If the thought of eating these don't get you excited, read on to find out how else you can incorporate the same type of nutrient found in green bananas into your diet. 

Uplift food daily uplifter prebiotic supplement gut health psychobiotic prebiotic fiber gut happy cookies good mood food

And last, but certainly not least, Kara highlights the role legumes can play in helping you look and feel young!

Uplift food daily uplifter prebiotic supplement gut health psychobiotic prebiotic fiber gut happy cookies good mood food

Below, Kara sums up very nicely how a healthy gut helps to prevent aging. 

Uplift food daily uplifter prebiotic supplement gut health psychobiotic prebiotic fiber gut happy cookies good mood food

Did you know that lupini beans, grounded down to lupin flour, is a key ingredient inside our Gut Happy Cookies

Or that our Daily Uplifter contains green banana flour (which has resistant starch, just like unripe bananas, but in a different form)? You can add our Daily Uplifter to raw oats by way of overnight oats for a double dose of gut healthy,  age fighting, prebiotics! 

Our Prebiotic Bliss Bites contain a very dense amount of resistant potato starch, found in a different form to those in cooked and cooled potatoes, but with the same positive health effects!

Plus, our newest snacking product, Prebiotic Puffs, contain fava beans and green peas ground down to a fiber and are a delicious, high fiber alternative to legumes. With 8g of fiber per serve, they are the highest fiber puff on the market!

We hope you learned something about the role gut healthy fibers play in helping you look and feel younger in this article. Let us know your thoughts and comments below!

In good gut health,

Team Uplifters!

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