Gut Happy Cookies Are The Newest Trend of 2020! – UpliftFood

Gut Happy Cookies Are The Newest Trend of 2020!

Gut Happy Cookies Are The Newest Trend of 2020!

Hey Uplifters,

We are thrilled to be able to share a US News health article featuring Uplift Food and our Gut Happy Cookies!

This article discusses the 10 top nutrition trends for 2020 and mentions prebiotics as the first one! 

We know most of you here are totally familiar with prebiotics, but just in case you're new to our Uplift community, prebiotics are compounds in food that induce the growth bacteria. Prebiotics have the power to boost your immune system (perfect for flu season) and promote a healthy gut and support your overall wellbeing. 

The Daily Uplifter and our soon to be released Gut Happy Cookies are both packed with gut healthy prebiotics. These are such an easy way to get in your daily dose of prebiotics!

Here is sneak peak of the callout on prebiotics, as the top nutrition trend for 2020. 

Gut happy cookies food daily uplifter prebiotic supplement gut health psychobiotic media

We are thrilled to see Uplift Food being mentioned in so many great articles and can't wait to share more with you!

In good gut health,

Team Uplifters!

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